Three People. 366 Days. 1 Blog.

Thursday 19 January 2012

January 19th: National Popcorn Day

I don't know about you, but I absolutely love popcorn!
Tip of the day: Don't eat popcorn for breakfast, especially if you're not planning on eating lunch :P
Microwave popcorn or kettle corn is always good but it's better with toppings :) My friends made up nutella popcorn and it's AMAZING! We melt some nutella in the microwave until it's more of a liquid and we pour it on some plain popcorn. And sometimes we let pretzel M&Ms melt in it. Mmmmmmm :) I like popcorn with parmesean cheese and cashews too.
Joe's also a big fan of popcorn. He's never tried Nutella popcorn - he doesn't like nutella, but he's usually got a bag of popping corn in the cupboard, and he'll make some when he's watching a film. It's quite cool making it in a saucepan, but it works slightly better in the microwave. Also, he thinks salted popcorn beats everything.

Apparently, there are two National Popcorn days in the month of January. One today and one on January 31st. Can you have two of the same national days? Not that I'm complaining, of course - I'm perfectly fine with this!
Happy popcorn-eating! :D

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