Three People. 366 Days. 1 Blog.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

January 11th: Step in a puddle and splash your friend day.

Coventry. Early January. You’d expect there to have been some rain, leaving puddles everywhere. As far as the eye can see. But no. The rain didn’t want to visit Coventry last night, leaving the ground this morning practically bone dry. Naturally, this made it a bit difficult for me to step in puddles and splash any friends that happened to be nearby.
Not to be deterred, Jonnie and I set off along the road to school, determined to celebrate the day. We tried out the idea of imaginary puddles, resulting in the following sequence of events:
  1. I imagine there is a puddle on the ground in front of us.
  2. I see said imaginary puddle.
  3. I make sure Jonnie is near said puddle.
  4. I run up to said puddle, and jump in it.
  5. I imagine that this results in a splash.
  6. I imagine that the imaginary water involved in said imaginary splash hits said imaginary Jonnie.
  7. Jonnie imagines that said water does not hit him.
  8. The imaginary water performs a surprising reversal of direction in mid air, and falls to the ground, splashing no-one.
This was interesting, but rather unproductive. Luckily, we then saw a real puddle. I, naturally, jumped in it. Jonnie, naturally, stayed well out of the way. I was not wearing wellies, so ended up with rather wet feet. Jonnie, naturally, stayed dry.

And that’s about it.

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