Three People. 366 Days. 1 Blog.

Monday 30 January 2012

Escape Day


Well, I do kind of like days like this because it means I get to pretty much make up what I do! But unfortunately it also means that sometimes I just cannae think of anything to do (it happens when you get old - I'm nearly 17 now!)

So anyway, Escape Day is all about escaping from the things that annoy or irritate you. For instance it really p***** me off when people eat loudly. Like really. It makes me want to scream and cry. But on Escape Day you just have to forget about it and escape it! And just walk out the room and eat somewhere else or just put in some earplugs or something. And then tomorrow you can go back to being a moody poo (although that's not really the point, maybe you should learn from escape day!)

So what is it that really irritates you? Your [little//big//twin] [brother//sister//both] (delete as applicable)? Or just that guy on the bus with his music too loud?

Joe seconds this. Escaping is very good, sometimes. And he spent a couple of hours today escaping from Merlin rehearsals, so that's all well and smashing.

Laura thirds this. Although the only thing she wants to escape from is school(which isn't going to happen...), she did start a new class today and feels super cool and like she's escaping some zombie apocalypse or bombing every time she goes up the little creepy stairwell to her classroom. She is going to start playing dramatic music on her iPod as she goes to class now.

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