Three People. 366 Days. 1 Blog.

Monday 6 February 2012

February 6th: Lame Duck Day

Hey guys - Laura here. I don't really understand the meaning of this metaphor, but I do have a story about a lame duck!

When my sister was 8, she went fishing with my family at a nearby pond. She saw a duck "flailing about" in the water, unable to move. Looking at the duck, it seemed she was tangled in fishing line. My sister waded into the water and untangled the duck from the line. "She saved the duck and saved the day" as my dad says. Moral of the story is, when  you see a lame duck, free it from the fishing line. I don't know what hidden meaning this could have, but give this as advice and you'll always sound smart.

Sorry if this blog is "lame" but I need to "duck" into bed. Goodnight!

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